About Louw Roets
My designs are informed by a combination of traditional methods and modern technology which are combined with my role as designer and maker. My foundation being industrial design, I embrace the principles of Bauhaus modernism which is composition, colour, texture, and craftsmanship. I aim to create pieces that are true to the process and technique that created them, and which communicates an exploration of the boundary between design and functional art.
designer furniture for
the discerned individual
In an age of mass consumption, it is easy to get caught up in the rat race to which we have become accustomed. Where instant gratification has become the norm, many are reluctant to share a tear or care for our fellow humans as well as the environment which nurtures us all. “But what does this have to do with furniture?” you may ask. Our founder uses the venerable saying, “anything worthwhile takes time to build,” to make sense of where our furniture fits into this unprecedented age.
Fine craftmanship
On the contrary, we at Louw Roets create our designer furniture with compassion at the forefront, ensuring that no one gets left behind or unappreciated. Fine craftsmanship takes a team effort, and a team is only as strong as its weakest member. It therefore makes sense that we continuously endeavour to preserve a human-oriented approach to design. There is much more to designer furniture than simply aesthetics. Each piece of furniture depicts the tale of those who created it – reflected in the manufacturing process of choice as well as how it impacts the environment.
the faces behind
designer furniture
“I believe that every human being has the capability to rise to the occasion,” says our founder. Although everyone is certainly not afforded the same privileges, we all have the capacity to rise to the occasion via the exploration of multiple perspectives and possibilities. As our founder, Louw strives to build up the faces behind our designer furniture, who make the success of our company a reality. Design is all about people and our environment. Louw’s years studying industrial design, grasping various manufacturing processes as well as materials and systems lead him to form this opinion.
getting familiar with
our designer furniture
Louw Roets offers a diverse range of designer furniture, and in the same way that we all have our own distinctive fingerprints, so are our pieces completely unique. The wood and leather we utilise in our creations are natural materials of the earth and its animal inhabitants. For this reason, there will always be variations in our pieces that further promote their originality. Even timber of the same species can differ significantly in texture, grain and colour.